Earth • Fire • Air • Water

Learn your body-type and the foods, exercises and habits that can help you feel more balanced... This is a key to understanding troubles with weight, emotions and relationship!

Quiz and Free Support Materials

Print and Audio Version of Quiz

    1. Table of Contents

    2. Introducing a New Way to Think

    3. Self-Awareness

    4. Acting with Compassion Towards One's Own Body

    5. Self-Transformation

    6. How to use the insight from this quiz

    7. What is Body-typing?

    8. Metaphor

    9. How body-typing Can be Used

    1. Body-type Quiz - Download

    2. Audio file coming soon!

    1. Earth

    2. Fire-type

    3. Air-type

    4. Water-type

    1. Stay tuned...

About this course

  • Free
  • 16 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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